H E Y , M A M A !
I'm Dr. Sue and I'm so happy you're here.
I like to say I help Mamas remember who they are – powerful beyond measure. I’m all about living a life you love, and that starts with knowing yourself intimately – understanding who you really are, your strengths, quirks, and the incredible ways you can authentically make a difference. Yep, that means you live your weird – tarot cards and all.
How? With love and proven, research-backed ways to elevate your marriage, motherhood, and mindset.
I have a knack for seeing past the exterior and connecting with a person’s soul.
I’m addicted to personal growth and totally committed to fulfilling my soul’s purpose. I see people for who they truly are beyond the masks and fears.
Just like my childhood bestie, Selma Blair described me as “Suzy Sunshine” in her New York Times best-selling memoir Mean Baby, “From the first moment we met, Sue saw me. She saw me out of my fear. When she looked at me, she saw past the exterior, intuiting who I was at my core.”
Soulfull Medicine is how I went from med school to holistic pediatrics with a detour through the maze of infertility and loss, and then here in front of you now.
I’m not here to tell you what to do. I’m here to bring Spirit back to the medicine table – and remind you that you already have within yourself what you need to heal – your Soulfull Medicine.
A Healer's Journey

Medicine was my original path; thinking I’d be a psychiatrist, life led me to become a holistic pediatric physician.
After experiencing the heartache of four miscarriages, I tasted disappointment and loss. And then, the joy of birthing and raising three children alongside a hubby I adore (and who adores me.)
Yet, even after achieving what I wanted, I found myself overwhelmed and unfulfilled. Sound familiar?

Through personal growth I uncovered deeper meaning to my challenges, reclaimed vibrant health, and built emotional resilience.
These changes enriched my relationships and ignited a purpose-driven career that fills my soul and brings true abundance.
Funny thing is, I don’t always get what I want; but I do always get what my soul needs.

My path to motherhood, marked by numerous heartbreaking losses, brought me a Divine tribe, and connection has guided me through a diverse training journey in various healing modalities, including reiki, acupuncture, homeopathy, craniosacral therapy, and certifications in tarot and numerology.
I follow my intuition and stop questioning why. It's all medicine! And it all aligns with my deepest intention: to ease the suffering of others, especially children.
Now, Soulfull Medicine is here to help make the journey out of stress and into soulfull living, easier for every mama & I hope you join in.
Whether your best path forward is joining in on group coaching with other like-minded mamas, or taking the solo-route with individual coaching, you can have Dr. Sue by your side every step of the way.
Where to start? I recommend starting your journey by discovering your greatest gift, biggest growth opportunity, and 8 personalized ideas to joy, with The Soulfull Medicine Quiz for Midlife Mamas. It's 100% free – you get closer to your most soulfull life in just 10 questions!
Whichever path to soulfull living you choose, I'm rooting for you.
Thank you for being here, Mama.