Beyond Pumpkin Spice: A Surprising Truth About Seasonal Energy

Isn't it the best feeling when you hear birds chirping as spring unfolds? It's like the whole world is waking up from a long nap. The bird's song is like nature’s alarm clock chirping, "It's time to get up! A new season is ready!"
Whether it's the sun-soaked days of summer, crisp harvest of fall (#TeamPumpkinSpice), cozy hibernation of winter, or blossoming of spring, every season on the calendar brings its own kind of magic (like rocking comfy yoga pants all winter) — which got me thinking…
During this month's Soulfull Circle Gathering in Soulfull Community, we talked about how, like the calendar, life is a series of seasons, too. And when you're a woman, your seasons are even more pronounced by your physical feminine cycles.
Think of seasons like patterns that recur.
Most things that happen in life, big and small, happen in seasons. From connecting with friends to tackling creative projects, there’s a seasonal pattern to the ebbs and flows of life.
Checkout the Feminine Energy Cycle info graphic in this post and think of where you're energy is strongest right now.
❥ The calm before the storm of new ideas. This is a season of reflecting and releasing.
❥ Sifting through all those juicy ideas. This is a season of organizing and preparing your options.
❥ Connecting with your possibilities and choosing a path that clicks. This is a season of discerning and aligning your will with God's will.
❥ Taking inspired action. This is a season of reaping your desired results.
If you give yourself a hard time for things like procrastination or not being more consistent in your day-to-day – like, last week, you crushed it at the gym and felt on top of the world, but this week, you haven't even put on your sneakers yet – consider an alternative: you're not failing at consistency, you’re simply living in a natural flow of seasons. Hey, wouldn't it be great if you could get a season pass for procrastination?
Women are commonly on a 28-day cycle, while men are on a 1-day cycle! Thousands of years ago, the worlds of work, fitness, education, governance, and pretty much everything else were built by men, for men. And that's okay for them, but what about what works for you, Mama?
This is your life. You get to choose how you flow through seasons, with resistance or with acceptance.

Embrace you, Mama. All you need is already within you. Soulfull Medicine is here to help you know where to look!