Boost Your Mood Instantly: Master Joy with Simple Shifts

If throughout the day you find yourself feeling down or anxious, you’re not alone. As a pediatric physician for over 20 years, I’ve learned a lot about moods. Depression and anxiety are global issues. Even though your genes play a role in how you feel, you’ve absolutely got power over your emotions.
Renowned personal development coach, Tony Robbins, talks about the power of your state, or “triad,” which is all about shifting your mood by adjusting your body, focus, and meaning.
Here’s how:
Ever been in a funk, but then your favorite tune comes on and suddenly you’re all smiles? That’s the magic of changing your physical state!
Changing your physiology doesn’t need to involve anything outside of you or be time-consuming. By simply moving your body differently, whether that’s taking a deep breath, smiling, hopping up and down for some jumping jacks, or even adjusting your posture, changing your physical state can boost your mood instantly.
Small changes can make a big difference in how you feel.
Watching a cute baby – human or furry – and you instantly feel happier, yes? Here’s the deal — what you focus on, you feel. So, when you want to feel joy, focus on what brings you joy.
Next time you’re feeling low, start redirecting your thoughts. This is when the world outside you can be super helpful. Notice what’s around you that’s positive, look through fun photos on your phone, list things you’re thankful you have.
Direct your attention away from what you can’t control, what you don’t have, or what’s going wrong.
Shift your focus to what you can influence, what you do have, and what’s going right.
Soul Tip: You can’t control what others think, feel, or believe. You can’t control the actions or reactions of others. You also can’t control the weather, traffic, how you were raised, or time (past/future).
Here’s what you can control… your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, words, and actions!
Take control over your experience because at the end of the day, You’re In Charge of You, Mama!
Imagine if you label your morning cup of coffee as “liquid optimism.” You’d already feel uplifted as you start your day, right?
How you feel is all about the meaning you attach to your experiences.
A rainy day during a beach vacation could be a bummer or a new adventure in disguise. Have you ever noticed how different people can experience the same thing but react totally differently?
That’s because each individual attaches their own meaning to their experiences.
If it’s raining on your beach vacation, you can sulk about it or look at it as a chance to have fun in a different way.
Things have meaning because you give them meaning. Like the famous saying, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.
So, why not choose a meaning that lifts you up?! Why not make the meaning treasure?
Whether you seek the silver lining, see your traumas as your teachers, or find an alternative perspective to view your world through, you get to choose to turn obstacles into opportunities.
Feeling better isn’t just about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the downpour when it rains on your parade (with your favorite playlist on, of course).
Getting to midlife joy includes taking steps – even baby steps – to shift your physiology, focus, and meaning, so you can be who you really want to be, feel how you want to feel, and live a life that feels AWESOME to you.
All you need is already within you, Mama. It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely possible. And thankfully, you’re not alone in this – Soulfull Medicine is here to help you know where to look!