Embracing Change: Simple Steps to Self-Love and Lasting Happiness

I’m working on connecting with my body in a new way midlife. (Because the old way involved a lot of harsh observations about aging that were really bumming me out. You know I wasn’t about to sit around stewing in those thoughts!)
So, I’m taking small steps to improve the way I connect with my (eh-hem) changing menopausal body, by doing just one thing different: lathering up in some serious self-love post-shower. As I lotion up, I repeat a little love note to myself aloud.
The love note comes from the stunningly powerful ancient Hawaiian Ho’oponopono prayer for restoring balance. It goes like this:
“I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.”
If the Ho’oponopono isn’t your thing, try another tiny yet mighty body-loving self-acceptance statement that feels good, for example: “I love and accept you. You are strong.”
Guess what? Within a month of lathering up with self-love post-shower, I caught myself looking in the mirror during a workout and without thinking blurted: “You are strong.”
Yes, transformation can be that simple.
How great is that?! Want to nurture real, down-to-earth happiness that lasts? Learn how to meet your need for love and connection in a variety of ways daily. Here are some easy tips to try:
8 Fun Ways to Create Connection with Yourself and Others
❥ Break out your dance moves while making dinner
❥ Drop off a homemade gift for a neighbor
❥ Meditate to your heart’s content — no timers
❥ Have a heart-to-heart with a girlfriend
❥ Light the fancy candle you’ve been saving
❥ Bring nature indoors (Hello, spring flowers!)
❥ Get your art on by painting, drawing, or crafting
❥ Write a letter of treasured memories to a friend
Now it’s your turn to create a deeper connection with yourself and others. How do you best fill your soul with love? Find a way, then get to it daily for real, down-to-earth happiness that lasts.
Remember, whatever’s happening in your life right now, the power to transform is within you, Mama. Soulfull Medicine is here to help you know where to look!
P.S. Want the peaceful vibes of the Ho’oponopono Prayer on autoplay? Here’s an audio version of the prayer on Spotify you can play on repeat.