Terribly Fantastic: Learn to Love Being Bad at This

I managed to squeeze in a Peloton bike ride before diving headfirst into my first online training session with Team Tony Robbins as a newbie Senior Leader. Aaaand right off the bat… oops! I missed the prep memo in my inbox from the night before. 🤦🏼♀️ If you're someone who doesn't miss a detail, you might be wincing right now – but hang on, it turns out okay!
Trying to stay chill as I multi-tasked, I half-listened to the ongoing meeting as I printed out the documents I was supposed to have already reviewed. 😬
Just in time, before splitting into small groups to practice a new skill, the Head Trainer dropped a gem I really needed to hear at that moment…
“Dare to suck!”
Instantly, I burst out laughing. A wave of relief washed over me. It was like getting a hall pass to be terrible without fear of consequences. “Dare to suck?” I thought, “I can do that!” 😅
Seconds later, ready or not, I faced three rounds of presentations, each in front of seasoned pros. No pressure, right? 😳
I was pretty bad, but the lead trainer noticed something impactful about my vibe, regardless of my words. Noted.
I improved slightly and got compliments for my contagious smile. Progress.
One Trainer loved my energy, calling it infectious. Another was shocked it was my debut as a Senior Leader, commenting I had the makings of the coveted position of Trainer. I’ve hit my stride! 🥰
After three rounds of embracing the Dare to Suck mentality, I felt unstoppable, like I could do anything I set my mind to. 💪🏻⚡️
Because instead of getting dragged down by a mentality like, “Oh no, I’m not prepared, I’m gonna suck, this is about to get real embarrassing…”
"Dare to suck" snaps you into a healthier mindset, like “It’s okay to be terrible at this!”
So, what about you? Ever thought about just going for it, even if you might fail?
Imagine if failure wasn't in your vocabulary. Or if you decided failure is just a step on your path to mastery. Then, it’s less about failing and more about lighting that candle of courage within you, right?
Maybe “dare to suck” is the push you need to jump in and transform epic fails into fairy tales.
So, what would you dive into full force, if it didn’t scare the bejeezus out of you? Fear can be a real drag. It can act like it's keeping you safe when it's actually just keeping you stuck in a false sense of safety.
What if you redefined F.E.A.R. as Face Everything And Rise?
Just changing its meaning could be the nudge you need to take that next step, whether tackling a tough conversation, believing in your own strength, cutting down on work hours, or finally investing in that vacation you’ve been dreaming about.
Usually, when you face fear instead of letting it compound over time, you find the fear was way scarier than the reality. Dare to suck sista! Become limitless.
And hey, if you've been dodging a difficult talk, wavering on confidence, or have simply been wondering what comes next for you, I'm here to support you.
Whether it’s a hand to hold, an ear to listen to, or a mystical tarot reading to affirm the whispers of your heart — you have a friend who cares right here.
Remember, whatever’s happening in your life today, the power to transform is within you, Mama!
Soulfull Medicine is here to help you know where to look. 🔎 👀