The Hidden World of Numbers

Ever wonder why you keep spotting 11:11 on the clock? Is the universe sending secret love notes, or do you just have seriously impeccable timing? These patterns, Mama, might just be your entrance to the hidden world of numbers!
Life is full of patterns, some of which you’re totally aware of — like the four seasons on the calendar — and some that might surprise you (see the juicy details below). The beauty of patterns is once you see them, you can use them to your advantage.
One of the most intriguing patterns is numbers. From any perspective, including science, mathematics, the cosmos, and the economy, numbers are truly amazing!
Big props to the Greek math genius Pythagoras of 570 BC for dropping the truth bomb that everything (even numbers) is energy. That means...
Patterns of numbers are patterns of energy.
When you can read the energy of number patterns, you can understand how that pattern impacts your life.
Being a real go-getter, Pythagoras took a shot at decoding the pattern of numbers. Enter Pythagorean Numerology. Based on the premise that your birthdate and name are not random. Instead, they’re like your cosmic ID card. Picture this: the day you popped into the world, your parents named you, and the universe stamped you with a unique, energetic vibe, a number, often referred to as your soul number.
Wanna know your soul number? Add all the digits of your birthdate until you reach a single digit (3+8+1+9+7+0 = 28, then 2+8 = 10, and finally 1+0 = 1). So, if you were born on March 8, 1970, you'd work out your soul number to be 1.
Then there’s Tarot Numerology, which matches your soul number to one of nine archetypes. (Archetypes are also defined as behavior patterns – how cool is that?! More seasons of life!)
Now, does knowing your soul number mean you'll stop procrastinating? Well, it might not magically make you want to do your taxes instead of binge-watching your favorite series, but hey, understanding your soul number could make you feel a bit better about your life choices!
Just like your Soulfull Medicine Mama Personality Type decodes your unique gifts and the challenges that come with them (Plus tells you who your best friend is. This part of the quiz has proven to be scarily accurate!), your soul number and tarot archetype unlock guidance and insight into questions, obstacles, or new seasons you're considering jumping into.
It all boils down to knowing yourself.
Carl Jung, the father of analytical psychology, said your personality is a dance between your conscious mind (the stuff you know about) and your unconscious mind (the stuff your brain keeps under wraps or in your "shadow" self).
Want to make your dance calmer, happier, more confident?
The better you get to know yourself outside of the thoughts, concepts, and labels you've collected over the years, the better you can show up as the badass self you genuinely are and conquer ANYTHING life throws your way.
You so got this Mama! All you need is already within you. Soulfull Medicine is here to help you know where to look!