S O U L F U L L   I N S I G H T S

Because life's about more than getting the laundry put away... forever


Learn simple secrets to Midlife Mama happiness.

Let the legendary Dr. Sue guide and support you as you unlock your full potential in motherhood, marriage, and mindset with bite-sized articles that inform, uplift, and inspire.

The to-do list can wait; Mama's got some reading to do...

2 Simple Paths to Autoimmune Wellness with Dr. Amy Behimer lifestyle mindset self-care

There’s a woman I know who isn’t afraid to dance on the edge of her comfort zone – and thank goodness – since because of her inner strength, she’s now able to guide countless people to transform their health.

You may already know her; it's beloved  autoimmune...

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Building Trust The Easy Way dr. sue life mindset self-care


My trust is being tested — again!

A cornerstone of life, trust is a feeling of personal safety and confidence in something or someone — yourself, another person, life, Spirit/Source/God, the universe.

Faster than I feel ready, days are counting down to the next cycling...

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Why Achieving Your Goals Won't Make You Consistently Happy midlife mindset work-life balance

Remember that time you worked hard, pushed through doubt, and finally achieved something amazing – despite the odds and the naysayers? Got the memory? Great! Now, how long did that euphoric “I’m so HAPPYYY!!!” feeling last?

  Minutes, hours, days?
  Maybe a month?

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Unlocking Energy: The 3 F's Impacting Your Daily Life marriage mindset motherhood


According to scientists, energy is the ability to do work. (Suddenly, it makes so much sense why Mamas need so much energy – we have a lot of work to do! )

In your body, part of the work of making you energy is done by specialized subunits in your cells called mitochondria. These tiny...

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A Life Lesson I'm Learning to Treasure dr. sue life mindset self-care


You, like me, might have the habit of giving yourself a hard time. Especially when it comes to all the things you haven't done yet. On the flip side, you might totally ignore the things you are doing by not giving yourself any credit, praise, or celebration.

If that’s where...

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8 Ways to Embrace Love and Let Go of Goal Pressure mindset self-care work-life balance

So often, you're taught to push push PUSH yourself forward, even when it hurts, it's hard, or you're just plain exhausted.

Yes, sometimes pushing through is necessary — caring for a newborn, acing medical school, downing your drink before the absentminded waiter returns to ask if you’d...

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