S O U L F U L L   I N S I G H T S

Because life's about more than getting the laundry put away... forever


Learn simple secrets to Midlife Mama happiness.

Let the legendary Dr. Sue guide and support you as you unlock your full potential in motherhood, marriage, and mindset with bite-sized articles that inform, uplift, and inspire.

The to-do list can wait; Mama's got some reading to do...

8 Ways to Embrace Love and Let Go of Goal Pressure mindset self-care work-life balance

So often, you're taught to push push PUSH yourself forward, even when it hurts, it's hard, or you're just plain exhausted.

Yes, sometimes pushing through is necessary — caring for a newborn, acing medical school, downing your drink before the absentminded waiter returns to ask if you’d...

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How To Embrace Life's Unexpected Endings dr. sue life mindset self-care

Oh, life, why can’t you just stick to the script? Like, hello? Is it too much to ask for a little more 'happily ever after' every now and then?

Despite my daughter’s heads-up to avoid the "One Day” show on Netflix, curiosity got the better of me, and yep, I watched it. And, boy,...

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Unlock Joy & Clarity: Join the Soulfull Insights Tribe! coaching dr. sue life midlife

Picture this: I'm sipping on this incredible golden turmeric latte, chatting with a friend who's just as passionate about supporting moms as I am. 
Suddenly, we hit this incredible moment — the universe aligned, and we were onto something huge. You know, one of those moments that's so...

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Terribly Fantastic: Learn to Love Being Bad at This coaching dr. sue life mindset

I managed to squeeze in a Peloton bike ride before diving headfirst into my first online training session with Team Tony Robbins as a newbie Senior Leader. Aaaand right off the bat… oops! I missed the prep memo in my inbox from the night before. ‍ If you're someone who doesn't...

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Beyond Pumpkin Spice: A Surprising Truth About Seasonal Energy midlife work-life balance

Isn't it the best feeling when you hear birds chirping as spring unfolds? It's like the whole world is waking up from a long nap. The bird's song is like nature’s alarm clock chirping, "It's time to get up! A new season is ready!"

Whether it's the sun-soaked days of summer, crisp harvest of...

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Boost Joy with the Ultimate Soulfull Mama Spotify Playlist! dr. sue life lifestyle self-care

Feeling like your vibe’s been a bit more blah than brilliant lately? Get ready to feel like you’re 20 again and dig out those old concert tees and glow sticks. It’s time to boost joy with the Ultimate Soulfull Mama Spotify Playlist! It’s not just a mixtape; it’s your...

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Answer the questions and whoosh! — Your results instantly connect you to your personal remedy for soulfull living. The journey to joy is simpler than you might think, and it starts now.