S O U L F U L L   I N S I G H T S

Because life's about more than getting the laundry put away... forever


Learn simple secrets to Midlife Mama happiness.

Let the legendary Dr. Sue guide and support you as you unlock your full potential in motherhood, marriage, and mindset with bite-sized articles that inform, uplift, and inspire.

The to-do list can wait; Mama's got some reading to do...

Boost Your Mood Instantly: Master Joy with Simple Shifts coaching mindset self-care


If throughout the day you find yourself feeling down or anxious, you’re not alone. As a pediatric physician for over 20 years, I’ve learned a lot about moods. Depression and anxiety are global issues. Even though your genes play a role in how you feel, you’ve absolutely...

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The Hidden World of Numbers mindset personality types spiritual sparkle


Ever wonder why you keep spotting 11:11 on the clock? Is the universe sending secret love notes, or do you just have seriously impeccable timing? These patterns, Mama, might just be your entrance to the hidden world of numbers!

Life is full of patterns, some of which you’re totally...

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Embracing Change: Simple Steps to Self-Love and Lasting Happiness dr. sue life self-care

I’m working on connecting with my body in a new way midlife. (Because the old way involved a lot of harsh observations about aging that were really bumming me out. You know I wasn’t about to sit around stewing in those thoughts!)

So, I’m taking small steps to improve the way I...

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Spending Secrets and Saving Smarts: Dive Into Your Money Personality mindset personality types work-life balance

Ever wondered how your personality impacts your wealth? Some Mamas naturally save their pretty pennies, and others, (eh-hem) myself included, love to support the economy through our spending.

Forbes-recognized top Wealth Advisor Melissa Joy and I recently chatted up a storm about all things money...

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How to Find Joy in Life's Unexpected Downpour dr. sue life mindset

Ever found yourself in a downpour during a beach vacation, secretly wondering if there’s a mantra for joy? Or if you should just start twirling?

There I was, in an uber-cool spot in Miami beach. Surrounded by world-renowned street murals, palm trees, and… pouring rain, sloshing...

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A Simple Way to Navigate Difficult Conversations marriage motherhood self-care

Hand raised if a relationship in your life could use a little spring cleaning.

Yet, like many challenging things, approaching a difficult conversation can feel daunting. The longer you wait? The bigger the fear grows.

So, here’s a simple, anyone-can-do-it framework to turn down the stress and...

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Answer the questions and whoosh! — Your results instantly connect you to your personal remedy for soulfull living. The journey to joy is simpler than you might think, and it starts now.